Thursday, July 24, 2014

Neuschwanstein Castle

From Fussen the castle that inspired the Disneyland castle is about 10 minutes away. It is kind of a tragic story. Ludwig , who designed and directed the building never saw it finished. Some political adversaries (and possibly some family) tried to get him deposed as mentally incapable to rule. A second doctor was brought in who found him mentally capable. In less than a week both Ludwig and the doctor were found drowned in the lake below the castle. No cause of the deaths were ever established and no investigation ever came up with anything. In one week the castle was given up by the family (who apparently never wanted it to begin with) and turned over to the local administration as a historical site. Some floors were never finished. The floors that were finished are well worth seeing. . The detail on the elaborate paintings and carvings is amazing. Ludwig was into history and myths and the whole decor shows it. the woodwork in the master bedroom took 12 people 4 years to complete. there is a throne room, large dining and meeting roome, etc. All extremely elaborate. BUT - no photos are allowed inside the castle.

This is the view walking up to the castle. It doesn't look nearly as large as it really is because it is narrow and long,sitting on a rocky top of an outcropping.

You can get up to the castle by bus, horse drawn carriage, or walking. We took the bus with Zeb and Titus in the stroller. The others hitched a ride on the horse drawn carriages.

This is the "modest" home of Ludwig's son at the bottom of the hill.

Here is our clan in the large interior courtyard.

Here's the view from one of the balconies. One place you can take photos while inside.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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