Sunday, July 22, 2012

Checkpoint Charlie

This morning we visited Checkpoint Charlie where people passed from West to East Berlin during the Cold War. It was very interesting to see. It brought to life the reality of the political stuff we heard about and saw on TV growing up. Then we visited a part of the wall that remains and is preserved as The East Berlin Gallery. The entire stretch of of the wall - about a kilometer and a half - is portioned off in a series of murals painted by a variety of artists with varying perspectives and persuasions. Jesse would love it.
This afternoon we went to the Pergamom Museum. It is in an area called Museum Island. It was awesome. Ancient relics from Pergamum, Babylonia, etc. There were marble columns and statues from as far back as 1200 B.C. They had replicated the Gate of Ishtar in Babylon, and extensive statues that had been unearthed. Some of the exhibits were the largest I had ever seen. You could easily spend at least 3 days just at the museum exhibits here.
David Smith - If you see this blog, I got you a piece of the wall. With your passion for history, I thought you would appreciate the artifact.
Pics of the day below:

This is where you crossed into East Berlin.

This photo of the Russian soldier told you that you were about to cross into Communist East Germany.

Marker in the sidewalk that marks where the wall separated East and West.

One of the East Berlin Gallery murals

Another mural

Location:Berlin, Germany

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